This article explains how to configure NGINX Plus as a web server, and includes the following sections:

For additional information on how to tune NGINX Plus and the open source NGINX software, watch our free webinar on-demand Installing and Tuning NGINX.

At a high level, configuring NGINX Plus as a web server is a matter of defining which URLs it handles and how it processes HTTP requests for resources at those URLs. At a lower level, the configuration defines a set of virtual servers that control the processing of requests for particular domains or IP addresses. For more information about configuration files, see Creating NGINX Plus Configuration Files.

Each virtual server for HTTP traffic defines special configuration instances called locations that control processing of specific sets of URIs. Each location defines its own scenario of what happens to requests that are mapped to this location. NGINX Plus provides full control over this process. Each location can proxy the request or return a file. In addition, the URI can be modified, so that the request is redirected to another location or virtual server. Also, a specific error code can be returned and you can configure a specific page to correspond to each error code.

Setting Up Virtual Servers

The NGINX Plus configuration file must include at least one server directive to define a virtual server. When NGINX Plus processes a request, it first selects the virtual server that will serve the request.

A virtual server is defined by a server directive in the http context, for example:

http {
    server {
        # Server configuration

It is possible to add multiple server directives into the http context to define multiple virtual servers.

The server configuration block usually includes a listen directive to specify the IP address and port (or Unix domain socket and path) on which the server listens for requests. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are accepted; enclose IPv6 addresses in square brackets (.

The example below shows configuration of a server that listens on IP address and port 8080:

server {
    # The rest of server configuration

If a port is omitted, the standard port is used. Likewise, if an address is omitted, the server listens on all addresses. If the listen directive is not included at all, the “standard” port is 80/tcp and the “default” port is 8000/tcp, depending on superuser privileges.

If there are several servers that match the IP address and port of the request, NGINX Plus tests the request’s Host header field against the server_name directives in the server blocks. The parameter to server_name can be a full (exact) name, a wildcard, or a regular expression. A wildcard is a character string that includes the asterisk (*) at its beginning, end, or both; the asterisk matches any sequence of characters. NGINX Plus uses the Perl syntax for regular expressions; precede them with the tilde (~). This example illustrates an exact name.

server {
    listen      80;

If several names match the Host header, NGINX Plus selects one by searching for names in the following order and using the first match it finds:

  1. Exact name
  2. Longest wildcard starting with an asterisk, such as *
  3. Longest wildcard ending with an asterisk, such as mail.*
  4. First matching regular expression (in order of appearance in the configuration file)

If the Host header field does not match a server name, NGINX Plus routes the request to the default server for the port on which the request arrived. The default server is the first one listed in the nginx.conf file, unless you include the default_server parameter to the listen directive to explicitly designate a server as the default.

server {
    listen      80 default_server;

Configuring Locations

NGINX Plus can send traffic to different proxies or serve different files based on the request URIs. These blocks are defined using the location directive placed within a server directive.

For example, you can define three location blocks to instruct the virtual server to send some requests to one proxied server, send other requests to a different proxied server, and serve the rest of the requests by delivering files from the local file system.

NGINX Plus tests request URIs against the parameters of all location directives and applies the directives defined in the matching location. Inside each location block, it is usually possible (with a few exceptions) to place even more location directives to further refine the processing for specific groups of requests.

Note: In this guide, the word location refers to a single location context.

There are two types of parameter to the location directive: prefix strings (pathnames) and regular expressions. For a request URI to match a prefix string, it must start with the prefix string.

The following sample location with a pathname parameter matches request URIs that begin with /some/path/, such as /some/path/document.html. (It does not match /my-site/some/path because /some/path does not occur at the start of that URI.)

location /some/path/ {

A regular expression is preceded with the tilde (~) for case-sensitive matching, or the tilde-asterisk (~*) for case-insensitive matching. The following example matches URIs that include the string .html or .htm in any position.

location ~ \.html? {

To find the location that best matches a URI, NGINX Plus first compares the URI to the locations with a prefix string. It then searches the locations with a regular expression.

Higher priority is given to regular expressions, unless the ^~ modifier is used. Among the prefix strings NGINX Plus selects the most specific one (that is, the longest and most complete string). The exact logic for selecting a location to process a request is given below:

  1. Test the URI against all prefix strings.
  2. The = (equals sign) modifier defines an exact match of the URI and a prefix string. If the exact match is found, the search stops.
  3. If the ^~ (caret-tilde) modifier prepends the longest matching prefix string, the regular expressions are not checked.
  4. Store the longest matching prefix string.
  5. Test the URI against regular expressions.
  6. Break on the first matching regular expression and use the corresponding location.
  7. If no regular expression matches, use the location corresponding to the stored prefix string.

A typical use case for the = modifier is requests for / (forward slash). If requests for / are frequent, specifying = / as the parameter to the location directive speeds up processing, because the search for matches stops after the first comparison.

location = / {

A location context can contain directives that define how to resolve a request – either serve a static file or pass the request to a proxied server. In the following example, requests that match the first location context are served files from the /data directory and the requests that match the second are passed to the proxied server that hosts content for the domain.

server {
    location /images/ {
        root /data;

    location / {

The root directive specifies the file system path in which to search for the static files to serve. The request URI associated with the location is appended to the path to obtain the full name of the static file to serve. In the example above, in response to a request for /images/example.png, NGINX Plus delivers the file /data/images/example.png.

The proxy_pass directive passes the request to the proxied server accessed with the configured URL. The response from the proxied server is then passed back to the client. In the example above, all requests with URIs that do not start with /images/ are be passed to the proxied server.

Using Variables

You can use variables in the configuration file to have NGINX Plus process requests differently depending on defined circumstances. Variables are named values that are calculated at runtime and are used as parameters to directives. A variable is denoted by the $ (dollar) sign at the beginning of its name. Variables define information based upon NGINX’s state, such as the properties of the request being currently processed.

There are a number of predefined variables, such as the core HTTP variables, and you can define custom variables using the set, map, and geo directives. Most variables are computed at runtime and contain information related to a specific request. For example, $remote_addr contains the client IP address and $uri holds the current URI value.

Returning Specific Status Codes

Some website URIs require immediate return of a response with a specific error or redirect code, for example when a page has been moved temporarily or permanently. The easiest way to do this is to use the return directive. For example:

location /wrong/url {
    return 404;

The first parameter of return is a response code. The optional second parameter can be the URL of a redirect (for codes 301, 302, 303, and 307) or the text to return in the response body. For example:

location /permanently/moved/url {
    return 301;

The return directive can be included in both the location and server contexts.

Rewriting URIs in Requests

A request URI can be modified multiple times during request processing through the use of the rewrite directive, which has one optional and two required parameters. The first (required) parameter is the regular expression that the request URI must match. The second parameter is the URI to substitute for the matching URI. The optional third parameter is a flag that can halt processing of further rewrite directives or send a redirect (code 301 or 302). For example:

location /users/ {
    rewrite ^/users/(.*)$ /show?user=$1 break;

As this example shows, the second parameter users captures though matching of regular expressions.

You can include multiple rewrite directives in both the server and location contexts. NGINX Plus executes the directives one-by-one in the order they occur. The rewrite directives in a server context are executed once when that context is selected.

After NGINX processes a set of rewriting instructions, it selects a location context according to the new URI. If the selected location contains rewrite directives, they are executed in turn. If the URI matches any of those, a search for the new location starts after all defined rewrite directives are processed.

The following example shows rewrite directives in combination with a return directive.

server {
    rewrite ^(/download/.*)/media/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.mp3 last;
    rewrite ^(/download/.*)/audio/(.*)\..*$ $1/mp3/$2.ra  last;
    return  403;

This example configuration distinguishes between two sets of URIs. URIs such as /download/some/media/file are changed to /download/some/mp3/file.mp3. Because of the last flag, the subsequent directives (the second rewrite and the return directive) are skipped but NGINX Plus continues processing the request, which now has a different URI. Similarly, URIs such as /download/some/audio/file are replaced with /download/some/mp3/file.ra. If a URI doesn’t match either rewrite directive, NGINX Plus returns the 403 error code to the client.

There are two parameters that interrupt processing of rewrite directives:

Rewriting HTTP Responses

Sometimes you need to rewrite or change the content in an HTTP response, substituting one string for another. You can use the sub_filter directive to define the rewrite to apply. The directive supports variables and chains of substitutions, making more complex changes possible.

For example, you can change absolute links that refer to a server other than the proxy:

location / {
    sub_filter      /blog/ /blog-staging/;
    sub_filter_once off;

Another example changes the method from http:// to https:// and replaces the localhost address to the host name from the request header field. The sub_filter_once directive tells NGINX to apply sub_filter directives consecutively within a location:

location / {
    sub_filter     'href="'    'href="https://$host/';
    sub_filter     'img src="' 'img src="https://$host/';
    sub_filter_once on;

Note that the part of the response already modified with the sub_filter will not be replaced again if another sub_filter match occurs.

Handling Errors

With the error_page directive, you can configure NGINX Plus to return a custom page along with an error code, substitute a different error code in the response, or redirect the browser to a different URI. In the following example, the error_page directive specifies the page (/404.html) to return with the 404 error code.

error_page 404 /404.html;

Note that this directive does not mean that the error is returned immediately (the return directive does that), but simply specifies how to treat errors when they occur. The error code can come from a proxied server or occur during processing by NGINX Plus (for example, the 404 results when NGINX Plus can’t find the file requested by the client).

In the following example, when NGINX Plus cannot find a page, it substitutes code 301 for code 404, and redirects the client to http:/ This configuration is useful when clients are still trying to access a page at its old URI. The 301 code informs the browser that the page has moved permanently, and it needs to replace the old address with the new one automatically upon return.

location /old/path.html {
    error_page 404 =301 http:/;

The following configuration is an example of passing a request to the back end when a file is not found. Because there is no status code specified after the equals sign in the error_page directive, the response to the client has the status code returned by the proxied server (not necessarily 404).

server {
    location /images/ {
        # Set the root directory to search for the file
        root /data/www;

        # Disable logging of errors related to file existence
        open_file_cache_errors off;

        # Make an internal redirect if the file is not found
        error_page 404 = /fetch$uri;

    location /fetch/ {
        proxy_pass http://backend/;

The error_page directive instructs NGINX Plus to make an internal redirect when a file is not found. The $uri variable in the final parameter to the error_page directive holds the URI of the current request, which gets passed in the redirect.

For example, if /images/some/file is not found, it is replaced with /fetch/images/some/file and a new search for a location starts. As a result, the request ends up in the second location context and is proxied to http://backend/.

The open_file_cache_errors directive prevents writing an error message if a file is not found. This is not necessary here since missing files are correctly handled.